UI/UX App Design Concept

Summer 2022

In this project, I took it upon myself to challenge my abilities in UI/UX Design and develop a fictional app idea and build it out enough to appear like a real application.

The idea for this is that it's a mobile application that is intended to match a user with their desired company and encourage them to invest in that company.


This app would function exactly like Tinder, where users can create a profile, then start swiping. This is a very common activity for people in modern times, so this was also important when thinking about usability and how easy individuals would understand using this interface.


The app looks identical to Tinder, and my reasoning for this was because Tinder is ranked #1 in lifestyle apps on the app store, which indicates that their are millions of users around the world. When people see this app, I wanted them to think of Tinder, an app that they are most likely familiar with, or atleast understand how to use it. This makes usability for an app like this less cognitively taxing for new users.


In this image the user would be able to see the value a company's stock is trading at and swipe to the right to indicate that they like it and see if it will like them back.


In this image, a user is able to swipe to the left if they see a company's stock that they are not interested in connecting with.


When a company likes the user back, they will then be able to chat with a representative who will try to entice the user to invest in their company.



The art in this project was created or manipulated by myself, with the help from images found on unsplash.com and google images.



This composition was a lot of fun to make and is a an important personal project that displays my skills in UI/UX Design. This was a good way for me to test my abilities and use what I learned to produce an interesting concept and show what I am capable of creating.
