Invisible Touch

Summer 2022

This was a group project for an interactive arts where we were tasked with creating an interactive art installation similar to one that would be seen in a gallery.

We took inspiration from interactive art installations such as Body Movies (2001) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and another called Telematic Dreaming (1992) by Paul Sermon. Both of which involved the projection of an image or video onto a display that could be interacted with.


The idea behind the installation was that atleast two participants would place their hands in rectangular boxes where cameras were set up on one end, streaming the otherside live and displaying both onto the same projector screen. This would create the interaction which would make two seperate participants seem like they were together on one screen.

The boxes were built in a way that would hide the cameras in a section of the box and have it view a closed off section on the other side of the box. This would be the stage where users could put their hands or objects in and see it displayed on the screen.

artwork artwork

Body Movies (2001) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer


Telematic Dreaming (1992) by Paul Sermon



The goals for this project was to simulate how people were connecting with one another through remote settings while working and interacting online during the pandemic between 2020-2022. It takes a unique approach and shows how people could be in seperate spaces and still be together at the same time through modern technological mediums such as telecommunication applications.


This project was an organic product that stemmed from interactive art inspiration and successful planning. All parts of this project worked correctly with our original idea and had remained unchanged throughout the process with the exception of a few minor changes.