Animated Short Film: Sol

Spring 2023

This was a group project where me an four classmates collaborated to make a short animated production based on what we learned in an introduction to 3D animation class.

The premise of the animation is that a cat named 'Sol' is adopted and moves into this new apartment. He sees another cat across the street and they become distant friends, then consistently meet at there windows. After some time goes by the neighboring cat stops showing up at the window, so Sol takes it upon himself to go search for an answer.



This project was a successful depiction of my animation skills, and emphasizes my interest in animation and 3D modelling. I found it to be satisfying when a sequence of animation was completed, specifically around the walk cycles for the cats. Animating the legs for the cat seemed to be a daunting task, so I took the lead on this aspect and spent a few weeks studying real cats and how they walk. The result had some resolution issues but overall, creating the project was a great experience and I was satisfied with how a lot of the animations turned out.